Study in Germany

By Deutsches Studienzentrum

How Pursuing University Education in Frankfurt Prepares You for a Global Career

Frankfurt, the financial hub of Germany

Frankfurt, also known as Frankfurt am Main, is the fifth-largest city in Germany and the largest city in the state of Hesse. Located on the Main River, Frankfurt is a major hub for transportation, commerce, and finance, and is often referred to as the financial capital of Germany. The city is home to the European Central Bank, the German Federal Bank, and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

In addition to its thriving business sector, Frankfurt also has a rich cultural and arts scene, with numerous museums, galleries, and theatres. The city is also known for its culinary delights, particularly its famous apple wine and traditional local dishes. As a centre for higher education, Frankfurt is home to several well-regarded universities and research institutions, including the Goethe University Frankfurt (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main), Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main), and the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

Frankfurt is one of Germany’s major cities and is home to several world-renowned universities that offer a wide range of tertiary education programs. Pursuing university education in Frankfurt offers many advantages, including access to high-quality academic programs, a vibrant student community, and a diverse and dynamic city culture.

1. High Quality of Education

One of the biggest advantages of pursuing a university education in Frankfurt is the high quality of academic programs offered by its universities. The Goethe University Frankfurt is one of the most renowned universities in the country, with a strong focus on research and a wide range of degree programs across various fields, including economics, law, natural sciences, and humanities. Other well-regarded institutions in the city include Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, and Städelschule Art Academy.

2. Vibrant and Diverse Student Community

In addition to the excellent academic programs, studying in Frankfurt offers the opportunity to join a vibrant and diverse student community. With a large number of international students and a cosmopolitan atmosphere, students have the opportunity to meet and connect with people from all over the world. The city’s many student organizations, clubs, and sports teams also provide ample opportunities for students to get involved and make new friends.

3. Dynamic City Culture

Frankfurt is also known for its lively and dynamic city culture, with plenty of cultural events, festivals, and art exhibitions throughout the year. The city is home to several museums, including the Städel Museum (Städelsches Kunstinstitut und Städtische Galerie), one of the most important art museums in Germany, and the Museum of Modern Art Frankfurt (MMK). The city also has a lively nightlife scene, with many bars, clubs, and restaurants offering a wide range of experiences.

4. Frankfurt’s Strategic Location

Frankfurt’s central location in Europe makes it an ideal location for students who want to explore other parts of Europe. With excellent transportation links to other major European cities, students have the opportunity to travel and explore different cultures, languages, and lifestyles.

5. Affordable University Education

Tertiary education is not completely free in Frankfurt, but the cost of studying at a university in Frankfurt is relatively low compared to many other countries. Public universities in Frankfurt and Germany as a whole do not charge tuition fees for undergraduate and consecutive master’s programs for both domestic and international students. However, there are some administrative fees that students have to pay each semester, which typically amount to a few hundred euros.

Additionally, some universities in Frankfurt offer non-consecutive master’s programs and postgraduate courses that may charge tuition fees, but these are generally more specialized programs aimed at professionals who are already established in their careers.

6. A Haven for Asian Students

As a multicultural and diverse city, Frankfurt has a significant Asian community, and many Asians find it comfortable and welcoming to live and study in Frankfurt. In fact, Frankfurt is one of the most international cities in Germany, with a large number of foreign residents and students from all over the world.

Asian students will find that Frankfurt has a range of Asian supermarkets, restaurants, and cultural events that can help make them feel at home. Additionally, many universities in Frankfurt have international student organizations that provide support and resources for students from different countries, including Asia.

In terms of safety, Frankfurt is generally considered a safe city, with a low crime rate. However, like any big city, it is important to take precautions and be aware of your surroundings.

Overall, while there may be some cultural differences to adjust to, many Asians find Frankfurt to be a welcoming and comfortable city to live in, with a vibrant student community and a range of opportunities for personal and academic growth.

Cost of Living

Frankfurt is regarded as one of Germany’s most costly cities for students, with rent being the most expensive expense, ranging from €400 to €750 for a one-bedroom apartment. The city’s robust economy, on the other hand, provides numerous work prospects for students to balance these expenditures. Overall, while the cost of living in Frankfurt is greater than in other German cities, it provides a good quality of life and excellent education, making it an appealing choice for students.

The Estimated Cost Of Living For Students
Disclaimer: The table is intended to serve as a general guide for students and should not be relied on as the only source of information when making decisions about studying and living in these cities. It is advisable to consult the respective universities and other reliable sources for up-to-date and accurate information.

Studying in Frankfurt offers a wide range of advantages for tertiary education students, including access to high-quality academic programs, a diverse and vibrant student community, a dynamic and diverse city culture, a central location in Europe for travel and exploration, affordable education and a haven for Asian students. If you’re considering tertiary education, Frankfurt is definitely a destination worth considering.

The images on this page were captured by our team during our recent visit to Frankfurt.

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