Study in Germany

By Deutsches Studienzentrum

Our Trusted Partner in Preparing Our Son for Boarding School in Germany

My son, Kyle, turns 16 this year and is making his debut studying in Germany. It has been an exciting yet daunting phase as we prepare our son for this next stage in his life.

I had the comfort of DSZ taking on a pivotal role in charting the education path in Germany for my son from the outset. With their deep knowledge and understanding of the technical and bureaucratic procedures, the German language and culture, the people and the environment, DSZ’s consultants were able to advise, counsel, and chart a pathway for Kyle’s education and guide him on how to assimilate into the new dynamics and surroundings.

Through the DSZ’s extensive network of business associates, education partners, schools, and host families in Germany, Kyle was able to experience a soft landing upon his arrival in Germany.

DSZ takes the initiative and goes the extra mile to make the path smoother, even at times when situations don’t work in our favour given that there are many procedures and hurdles involved. As a parent, I am comforted and relieved to have DSZ working closely together with us to make studying in Germany, which was once only a dream, possible for Kyle.

Sue Skelchy
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Are you interested to study & work in Germany?

Our consultation services can assist you in making your dream a reality by guiding you through the many hurdles to Germany, including the selection of the right major and narrowing down the University options, the optimal location, assembling the visa application package and preparing for possible career paths in Germany.

With our expertise and personalised attention, you can be confident in your decision to study and work in Germany, knowing that you are supported every step of the way.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and begin your journey to a successful future in Germany!

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