Study in Germany

By Deutsches Studienzentrum

The Pay Disparity Between Malaysian and German Graduates

The sad reality is that maintaining a comfortable standard of life requires cash. After all, Pumpkin Spice Oatmilk Lattes don’t exactly pay for themselves. So, it makes sense to start planning with the end in mind ie. How much do I get paid after I graduate from university? The pay disparity between Malaysian and German graduates is significant, with German graduates earning much higher salaries than their Malaysian counterparts. According to recent studies, the average starting salary for a graduate in Germany is approximately €44,000 (c MYR207,000) per annum, whilst in Malaysia, fresh graduates can expect MYR31,200 per annum. This discrepancy in salary can be attributed to a number of factors, including Germany’s robust economy, the quality of education, and the demand for skilled talent.

1. Germany’s Robust Economy

A key factor that may contribute to the difference in graduate pay is the state of the economy in each country. Germany has one of the strongest economies in Europe, with a low unemployment rate and a high demand for skilled workers. German employers are willing to pay higher salaries to attract and retain the best talent. In contrast, Malaysia’s economy is still developing, and there is less demand for skilled workers. As a result, employers are less likely or able to pay high salaries to new graduates.

2. Quality Education

Another factor that may influence the difference in graduate pay is the quality of education in each country. Germany is known for its high-quality education system, which emphasizes practical, hands-on learning and provides students with the skills they need to succeed in the workforce. Malaysian universities, though also highly regarded, may not offer the same practical training as German universities.

3. Demand for Skilled Talent

Finally, the demand for skilled workers in each country may also be a factor in the difference in graduate pay. In Germany, there is a high demand for skilled workers in a range of industries, including engineering, technology, and healthcare. This means that graduates with degrees in these fields are in high demand and can command higher salaries. In Malaysia, the demand for skilled workers is not as high, and graduates may need to work harder to find high-paying jobs.

While Malaysian graduates may earn less than their German counterparts, it is important to note that this does not necessarily reflect the value of their education or their potential to succeed in the workforce. With hard work, dedication, and a commitment to lifelong learning, graduates in both countries can build successful and fulfilling careers.

Average Graduate Salary Per Annum Comparison Between Germany and Major Asian Countries

SINGAPORESGD $48,000$35,395
INDONESIAIDR 119,000,000$8,265
VIETNAMVND 150,000,000$6,471
Note: The salaries are based on estimates and may vary depending on several factors such as industry, job role, and experience, and does not take taxes into account. Also, the currency conversion rates used for the table are as of September 2021 and may fluctuate over time.
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