Study in Germany

By Deutsches Studienzentrum

Why German Boarding Schools Might be the Perfect Choice for Your Child

The decision to enroll into a boarding school in Germany can be daunting. Although the advantages of taking this path are compelling, there can still be concerns on whether this step is the right one for their kids. What are the benefits of attending German boarding schools?

1. Quality Education

German education, and especially with their internat or boarding schools, is recognised for its high academic standards and cutting-edge teaching techniques that place a strong emphasis on critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Parents can give their children a top-notch education that will prepare them for success in Universität and beyond by enrolling their kids in a German boarding school.

2. Developing Independence

Being away from home is one thing. Being some 10,000 kilometers from your child can be downright scary. However, being away from one’s usual support system nurtures independence and resilience in a growing teenager. It is after all, a huge adventure! 

The experienced staff and faculty in the various internat are ready to facilitate the soft landing your child needs as they enter their new academic and developmental life on campus. Over time, the students will take on more knowledge, skills, friendships and confidence, and will become increasingly independent. 

By the time, the students complete their Abitur, they will be ready to leave for Universität. Your child would have become responsible, organised and capable of independent thought.

3. Developing Lifelong Friendships

Being around fellow students in class and in the dormitories creates the perfect environment for strong relationships to grow. Boarding students study together, dine together, and live together! They will experience success and downturns together. Such friendship circles as part of their formative phase will carry through even into adulthood.  

4. Cultural Integration and Familiarity

Studying in Germany offers children the opportunity to immerse themselves in a new culture and learn a new language. German is a valuable language to learn as it is the most widely spoken language in the European Union.

By the time your child has completed their university degree, they would have at least six years studying in and applying the language in a critical form and interacting within the German culture. This will give them a significant advantage in the job market as well as paving a career within Germany and on an international platform.

5. Extracurricular Activities

A great variety of extracurricular activities and sports programmes are available at German boarding schools, giving students the chance to pursue their interests. The boarding school schedule will be full of academic and extracurricular activities; both will challenge and encourage your child to grow and develop knowledge and skill sets, ensuring that both mind and body are healthy. There is a plethora of different activities for your child to consider and explore towards physical and mental dexterity.

6. Balanced and Healthy Nutrition

As a boarding student, your child will have all their meals at school. Thus, it is essential that the meal plan is carefully though through. The boarding school kitchens are a key part of any internat. Technically trained chefs ensure fresh and nutritious meals are available for the physical development of the students.

Is It For My Child?

Attending a German boarding school does offer several benefits. Inculcating positive values in developing adults; resilience and adaptability, courageousness and independence amidst a world increasingly more complex.

The images on this page was captured by our team during our recent visit to several boarding schools in Germany.

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